Chapter 01 of the book The Healing power of color

In this first chapter the master talks about his experiences about the healing power of color.


6/13/20236 min read

Chapter 01 The Healing power of color.

The Master talks about his healing experience with color

Kumar: Master, can you tell me about his approach to the healing power of color?

Master: I must start by saying that it was pain that led me to discover the healing power of color. For a long time I suffered from depression, searching and searching for my status as an artist, I spontaneously approached to color seeking relief. I remember that I began to remember the colors of the chakras and without thinking I began to contemplate the colors, seeking relief. I particularly focused on green, which is the color of the fourth chakra, the heart. This is how the idea of making what I called the tunnel of existence arose; the chakras that describe a straight, vertical line, suddenly moved, first forming a hill in space, then they created a chromatic circle, but this chromatic circle contained in turn some additional colors, it is a sacred-symbolic chromatic circle, and it is the basis of all my healing experience with color.

Before describing the sacred-symbolic chromatic circle, let me complete the narrative of my contemplative experience with color. It was something spontaneous to contemplate color and find relief, at that moment a revelation came to me: the relationship between color temperature and the temperature of emotions. I kept reflecting, researching and deepening to verify that my ideas made a lot of sense, when I came across the contrast by complementary, the colors that oppose each other on the chromatic circle, one warm and the other cold, here I found a very important key to emotional balance using the healing power of color.

The healing principle of contrast by complementary

The most elementary chromatic circle, is formed by the three primary colors and the 3 secondary colors, red, yellow, blue, orange, green and violet. The primary colors always leave a space for the secondary, so we have red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. The three pairs of complementary are the colors that oppose each other, one primary and one secondary. Red-green, yellow-violet, blue-orange.

I was looking for love in green and that gave me great relief, then I continued to stimulate other warm colors, so I realized that depression is a cold emotion, in the category of violet and blue, so healing occurs from yellow and orange, although the lack of love was compensated with green.

As you can see it is a complex issue, but let's continue with the contrast by complementary. In the example of depression, you can clearly see that what I did was apply the opposite color, that is, I applied orange on blue, and yellow on violet. Why? Well, simply because depression is cold, to achieve emotional balance a warm color must be applied, that is the healing principle of contrast by complementary.

In principle, the temperature of the emotion must be identified, classified into a color of that temperature and the complementary color applied to it to achieve healing, emotional balance.

The application through direct contemplation of color is very effective, after contemplation for a period of time you can begin to meditate on that same color within your mind, playing with your imagination and feeling the desired emotion. Keep in mind that just as there is a color that opposes, there is also a contrary emotion, and only by reaching the state of that contrary emotion with the help of color, emotional balance is achieved.

Kumar: In the case of depression, the opposite emotion is joy? That is, yellow is applied on a violet emotion. Correct?

Master: correct, although it could also be the case that rather than depression it is a deep sadness that is more blue than violet, so orange is applied, but in both cases it is about cold emotions treated with warm colors.

Over time I have come to understand that emotions are elusive, and sometimes it is not easy to locate them in a specific color, they can have nuances, especially when they are emotions whose natural color is a secondary color such as green and violet. Remember that secondary colors contain both cold and warm energies.

In my very personal opinion about color temperature, I consider that of the six colors on the basic color wheel, three are warm, two are tepid, and only one is really cold.

Kumar: what is that classification?

Master: the three warm ones are red, orange and yellow, the two tepid ones are green and violet, the only cold one is blue. In this way we can understand how energy is distributed within the universe, it is something that permeates everything that exists. It controls and directs the life of everything we know within this world.

If we analyze it thoroughly we will find that the only really cold color is blue, the two secondaries green and violet are tepid because in fact they contain equal parts of a warm and a cold color. Green is made up of blue (cold) + yellow (warm), violet is made up of blue (cold) + red (warm), conclusion green and violet are tepid colors, but they are generally classified as cold colors because both contain blue. About the warmness of red, orange and yellow, there is nothing more to add, these three warm colors are what is known as the trilogy of vitality.

Kumar: Just as there are secondary colors, are there also secondary emotions?

Master: very good question and I must say yes and in my research I discovered the specific case of two emotions, envy and disgust.

I find a great similarity between the intrinsic complex nature of secondary colors and emotions. This similarity reveals that just as the secondary colors are complex since they contain the cold and the warm at the same time, there are also emotions of the same nature, such as envy and disgust, classified among the violet tones.

In both cases, it is about secondary emotions, that is to say, they derive from the mixture of other emotions or from another emotion, it is something that is not easy to settle but I am going to dare to delve into that very interesting world where the mystical and the

The violet envy

In the case of envy, even when it can be considered that it is a primary emotion or feeling, in fact in the ancient sacred texts of India, The Vedas, it is stated that the cause of the soul's fall into the material world is the envy of God. But if we analyze it well, we will find that envy is really more a secondary cause than a primary one, the primary cause is self-forgetfulness. When the soul comes in contact with material nature, the effect of material illusion is forgetfulness of its spiritual condition, which leads it to develop envy, it becomes envious because it is covered by forgetfulness of its own spiritual being and its eternal relationship with God. This leads to it becoming envious, it develops envy, but the envy was not there, it is the result of forgetting, therefore envy is a secondary emotion, which is why it is violet, a secondary color as well.

Where there is envy, there is mediocrity, failure, victimization, unhappiness, all of this is the opposite of the yellow energy that is success, happiness, joy and prosperity. Therefore envy is violet, this is another way to confirm the color of envy.

In a deeper analysis according to the violet chromatic condition of envy, we can also understand that envy is a type of fear, and all fears are violet. We might ask ourselves, why is envy a type of fear? Well, since the envious person covers his mediocrity, seeking to bury the success of others, through his envy. Deep down, the envious person feels a deep fear that his mediocrity will become visible, we can also see that it is a type of fear of public opinion.

Starting from the fact that envy is a particular shade of violet, a cold violet, it can be treated with its complement, yellow, which is linked to warmth, joy, the happiness of living, the opposite of forgetfulness, which is so cold. , that is to say that if envy can be cured with yellow color therapies, this seems increasingly fascinating to me, I have never seen such an approach to the subject, these things are flowing like a river that emanates from other dimensions, take notes my dear Kumar .

Analyzing further on this topic, I think that there are several emotions that are derived from envy, or have their roots in it, for example cynicism, and I think that all ego diseases are born from envy, that is, all these underlying emotions They are violet tones too.

The purple disgust

In the case of disgust, it is not a primary emotion either, this is the consequence of a type of fear, that is why it is purple, it can be said that it comes from aversion, from rejection. The cure for disgust is green and yellow emotions like admiration, trust, even love and joy. I think that disgust is more difficult to treat than envy, because it is a more complex emotion, it is slippery, that is why these two warm colors can help a lot, one of which is complementary, yellow in the case of happiness and another green to help with trust, admiration and love.

In the end, it is impressive to me how all the spiritual, emotional and mental illnesses, which end up becoming physical problems and illnesses, come from a lack of love. Now I understand so much about the Religion of the heart of my divine Master, where everything can be done. harmonize from love, from affection, the transmission of love from heart to heart.