Welcome to Studio PHANI!!!!!!

Studio PHANI.com is the place where Phani (Fidel Gomez) shows all his creations, as well as works made in different media, such as drawing, painting, digital art, editions, crypto art (NFT) and art objects, as well as reflections on his research in the field of art, his books and many works available for sale.

Thank you for your visit, I promise it will be very exciting!!!!!

All the best, may love, peace and joy shine in your heart.

With love.


Hey there please take a look to my last posts, for sure you will read value contents linked with my artwork, my researches and also about many interesting topics on art field.

Through my artistic work, focused on the healing power of color, I offer the world a wonderful experience, through which people can find internal balance, heal from the roots and find their mission in life.


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