Phani (Fidel Gómez) Venezuelan Visual artist, researcher, blogger, healer with art, chrome therapist, crypto artist and crypto world enthusiast.

I was born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1973, as Fidel Gómez (Phani is the diminutive of my spiritual name Phanindranath das, given by my spiritual master Srila Govinda Maharaj many years ago, my god brothers and god sisters call me Phani, and I adopted it as my stage name), since I was a child I always liked to paint and this was stimulated by my parents, I started studying visual arts when I was a teenager (15 years old), at the Cristobal Rojas School of Visual Arts in Caracas, at that time (late 80s) the school worked in the old headquarters, some sheds in front of the central park. There I developed my love for art, I loved spending all day in the workshops experimenting with textures, painting, drawing and modeling. I graduated in pure art, and those years were undoubtedly the most beautiful of my life. There I had incredible teachers who transmitted to me their passion for art, the importance of studying, of developing quality work, they introduced me to the art of Jesus Soto, Alejandro Otero, Manuel Quintana Castillo, Oswaldo Vigas, Carlos Cruz Diez, Victor Vasarely, Anselm Kiefer, Joseph Beuys, Picasso, Tapies, Noguchi, Pollock, Kandisnky, Paul Klee, Mondrian, Yves Klein, Dubuffet, Brancusi, Noguchi, Torres García, Julio Le Parc, Marcel Duchamp, among many other great artists.

I always remember in my mind the impact that the work of Jesús Soto had on my life, I also remember that I did a project about his Penetrables, and at that time it was already clear to me that the way of art in the 21st century was surrounding art, art like a wonderful experience. In this investigation, I came to the conclusion that Soto’s Penetrables are the synthesis of abstract art, including kinetic art, minimalism and participatory art, the wonder of surrounding art. Years later I return to these ideas and incorporate them into my research on the healing power of color.

Later I did university studies at UNEARTES and graduated with a mention in Painting (2008/11).

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